University of Scouting Resources
Courses S-T-U


Safe Scouting on the Net See Cyberchip and Online Safety
Safety Considerations in the Backcountry - We'll tie together the various BSA safety courses as they relate to leading successful trips in the outdoors. From keeping your group together to watching for hazardous weather, this course will cover many of the safety considerations you need to always keep in mind when taking groups outdoors. PowerPoint presentation

First Aid Preparedness and Injury Prevention for the Wilderness and Beyond - web page from a firm of Injury Lawyers with useful information and links.

Guide to Wilderness Medicine for Outdoor Professionals and First Responders - off-site web page from University of North Dakota

Scoutbook  - an introduction to BSA's new software package for packs and troops 2018 Presentation - PDF
Scoutbook Basics - PDF

ScoutBook Instructions:

  • ScoutBook for Parents - PDF
  • ScoutBook for Leaders - PDF
Scout Knots - Learn how to tie and how to use the basic knots for Webelos through Scout requirements 2011 PowerPoint Presentation
2009 PowerPoint Presentation

Knot Wall Chart and Knot Handout (PDF)
 - from 33d Gleniffer Scouts UKSA

Internet Links: 

Animated Knots by Grog - includes a page of Scouting Knots.
Knots on the Web
International Guild of Knot Tyers - British Site
International Guild of Knot Tyers - North American 
Folsom's Knot Page - with animations of Scout knots
Roper's Knot Page  - very good resource, many knots - grouped by fishing, outdoor, boating 
Scouting the Web Knots links page

Scout Magic - Magic tricks are fun and a great way to weave lessons into activities and to develop confidence and dexterity. Come and learn a few simple tricks and the techniques you need to dress them up into something special. 2009 Handout
Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Position Specific Training See National Training Programs
Scoutmaster Conferences - BSA Quality Assurance - Your Scoutmaster Conferences are an important tool for assessing the progress of Scouts, as well as well as determining how your unit is doing. They are also an opportunity to prepare your Scouts for school and career interactions. Come and learn how to make your conferences productive. Scoutmaster Conference Questions - PDF

The Scoutmaster Conference - Scouting Magazine Oct. 2008 - PDF
The Aims and Methods of Boy Scouting - PDF

Scouts BSA Program- Specific Courses  See:
Scrounge!: Learn from an expert how to create Cub Scout activities right from your recycle bin, along with some very useful general camping hacks. 2022 PowerPoint Presentation
Selecting & Retaining Volunteer Leaders - How to get & keep good leaders in your unit using National & Council recommended methods. Learn how training can help retain leaders. Start with getting them to come to the University of Scouting. 2013 PowerPoint Presentation (Bob Clark)
2010 PowerPoint Presentation (Dave and RomaJane Simpson)
2006 PowerPoint Presentation (Brian Dalton)
2005 PowerPoint Presentation (Bruce Churchill)

Selecting Quality Leaders (module from BSBLT) - PDF

Setting up a Proper Campsite: Picking a campsite that will remain dry when it starts to rain, is sheltered from wind and weather, and free of roots and rocks is easy on paper, but challenging in practice. This course considers how to choose a site and make it work within the parameters of "Tread Lightly" and "Leave No Trace". Outline from 2020 - MSWord PDF
Shooting Sports Program for Your Troop / Venturing Crew: Archery, rifle, shotgun — learning to use this equipment safely and accurately interests almost every Scout. This course lays out the rules, offers guidelines for preparing your Youth and Leaders, and helps you to understand how to use Council and other Resources to add Shooting Sports to your Unit Program 2023 Handout - PDF
The Spectrum of Special Needs - Physical abilities and psychological outlooks have real effects on how an individual relates to the world. Understanding this is the first step towards helping a youth succeed. You will be introduced to the broad spectrum of "special needs" and techniques for integrating "special needs" youth into your Unit Program. 2017 Handout - PDF

See Also "Youth with Special Needs"

Stay Away Yogi! -- Camping in Bear Country - Bear Country is a lot closer than you expect! This session will get you thinking about how to critter-proof your food supply whether you are Car Camping or Backpacking. Learn how to hang a bear bag and keep your 'vittles to yourself! Protecting your food and keeping safe - PDF
STEM/NOVA awards See Nova/Supernova/STEM courses
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone. For many people the biggest hurdle to outdoor enjoyment is the unknown. We know how to make ourselves comfortable when we are at home, but a campsite in the wilderness or even a site in a campground is a big unknown. Experienced outdoor "users" will use this course to demonstrate how everyday comfort in the outdoors is an attainable goal. 2023 PowerPoint Slides - PDF
Storytelling - A hands-on workshop led by a gifted story teller, who will challenge you with exercises designed to improve your telling skills, and who will motivate you with captivating story telling examples. Participants will progress to confidently tell a short story on their own by the end of the workshop. Help enhance the "magic" around your unit's meetings and ceremonies by improving your telling skills!! Storytelling around the campfire and in the pack - PDF

"How to Tell a Story" - by Mark Twain

Stoves  - Compressed or liquid fuel, lightweight or traditional? What's new in stove technology? A detailed look at and discussion of cooking stoves suitable for backpacking 2008 University of Scouting PowerPoint Presentation

REI Guide to Cooking Stoves 

Strengthen your unit using Venturing and Sea Scouting! The Venturing and Sea Scouting programs offer a wealth of opportunities for older youth interested in High Adventure. But did you know that they can benefit your Pack or Troop? A significant part of Venturing and Sea Scout advancement is for the youth to carry their knowledge to others. Find out how Troops and Packs can benefit from Crews and Ships. Course Handout - PDF
Surviving in the Wilderness: Let's be honest: the picture of the "survival expert" in popular culture is pretty inaccurate and ten well-considered "essential items" are more useful than many commercial "survival kit". This course looks at the reality of "survival preparedness" and reminds us of things, such as: waterproof matches are more useful than a bow-drill; fishing gear is useless if there are no streams or ponds nearby; and a packet of iodine tablets may be more useful for treating water than a solar still for obtaining it. Join us and think about what should be inside YOUR survival box. Survival Disciplines - PDF

Survival Instructors - PDF

Rule of Threes - PDF

Take Your Unit on a Touring Trip - A touring trip can be the highlight of your unit's year, but there's a lot to think about before you head off on that week on the road! Thing BIG - how about a trip to Europe for your Venturing crew or a special event? Learn how to plan touring trips, locally or across the globe. PowerPoint Presentation

Letter to Scouts about a Spring Trip - PDF
Permission Form - PDF

Troop 80's Spring Trip Itineraries: (all PDF)
1996 - New England
1997 - Maryland

2000 - Ohio
2003 - New England

Blair Atholl Scottish Jamborette Trip: (All PDF)
2002 Itinerary - 2004 Itinerary - 2006 Itinerary 
2008 Itinerary
- 2010 Itinerary - 2012 Itinerary - 2014 Itinerary
Letter to Scouts - "Random Thoughts" on the trip  websites for all Blair Atholl trips
Traveling Overseas With Scouts and Venturers

Also see "Plan an Expedition"

Internet links: 

BSA Council Locator
Where to Stay in Europe
ScoutBase UK - campsite directory in UK

Tabletop Pioneering - This hands-on workshop will show you how to build simple structures using dowels or pencils and string on a tabletop. As time allows, we'll go further and try monkey bridges, water tripods, and more complicated things. Practice on a table, so in the wilds you're able! Scale model pioneering projects for troop meetings - PDF
Talking to Youth about Youth Protection:  Talking about Youth Protection to the youth in your Unit is an important responsibility, but it can be hard to open that conversation. Come and learn about the resources that are available, but also how to enlist your Leadership and Unit Parents in making these discussions non-threatening and helpful. Presenting Youth Protection for Youth - PDF

Youth Protection for Youth - PDF

Tax Deductions for Volunteers - Learn what you can legally deduct on your taxes for volunteering your time. Taught by a certified Tax Accountant 2010 Presentation on Tax Deductions for Volunteers - PDF

IRS Publication 526 - Charitable Contributions (PDF)

Teaching BSA Aquatic Requirements - Get in the pool and learn hands-on how to teach the BSA Requirements for Webelos Aquatics, 1st and 2nd Class Scouts!

See "Get your Scouts wet!"
Teaching Scouts to Use a GPS: The requirements for First Class rank include use of a GPS for navigation. This workshop provides an introduction to the Global Positioning System (GPS). We'll talk about and demonstrate the use of a GPS receiver or smartphone GPS app for navigation. We'll also provide examples of activities, such as geocaching or using GPS to follow a trail to a campsite, to help you to guide and enable your scouts to support GPS activities and fulfill advancement requirements in your troop 2022 PowerPoint presentation - PPTX
Team Building - do it to learn it! See "Got Games?"
The Ten Essentials and More! - Whenever you head for the woods or water, there are certain things that make for health, safety, and peace-of-mind. This course will help you develop your own list of Ten Essentials. 2017 Presentation - PDF
Backpacking 101
from 2010 University - PDF
2004 PowerPoint Presentation

Ten Essentials List by John Udall - PDF
BSA Ten Essentials Graphic - PDF

Off-site Links: 

Tiger, Wolf and Bear Den Leader Training See National Training Courses
Tips for New Scoutmasters - For New Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, this session goes beyond Basic Training. This session gives you some hints to being a Scoutmaster taught by an experienced Scoutmaster. 2018 Presentation - PowerPoint or PDF (Jery Stedinger)

2009 PowerPoint Presentation (Jery Stedinger)

Transitioning Leaders to New Unit Positions - Many parents become Cub Scout leaders and move up with their boy, but what happens when the boy moves into Boy Scouting or Venturing? How do you move the parents into fulfilling Troop or Crew leadership positions? How do you use make this "new blood" part of your Unit succession plan? 2009 Course handout - PDF
Tree Identification: Oak, Maple, Pine. What comes next ? Does tree identification stump you? Do you ‘pine’ for the ability to rattle off names and species ? There are lots more ways to identify a tree rather than just by its leaves. Come and learn the tools and techniques used to identify trees like a First Class Scout and, in the process, develop the knowledge you need to confidently help the youth in your unit learn this skill as well ! An introduction to the requirements for the Forestry Merit Badge will also be provided. 2019 Presentation - offsite link to Prezi website

Also see Identifying Plants and Trees

Trek Safely - This course is required for at least one adult accompanying any Unit planning an activity off an established Scouting property. 2015 PowerPoint Presentation - PPSX
Understanding the Exploring/Venturing Program - Learn all about the Venturing program from going on activities to advancement, uniforming and running the crew. 2007 PowerPoint Presentation
2006 PowerPoint Presentation

Adult Leadership PowerPoint
Youth Leadership PowerPoint

Crew 951 Constitution - MSWord

Uniforming - Uniforming? Why is it important? Who's in charge? How do I know what I can wear on my uniform and what shouldn't be word on it? How about the Scouts? How do I know what goes where? If you've asked yourself any of these questions and you'd like to get the right information, come join this class and "Understand Uniforming the Scout way". 2010 PowerPoint Presentation
Using Pack/Troop Unit Management Software See "Navigating"
Using Smartphones in the Outdoors: Most people carry a Smartphone of one kind or another and there are many tools and apps available for these devices. This course looks at some of the more useful Scouting and Outdoors apps and discusses the pros and cons of using your Smartphone as a tool — or backup tool — in the great outdoors. 2022 PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)
Using the Venturing Advancement Program: National has revamped the Venturing Advancement program. Come and learn what is happening and how you can use the new program to inject new life and variety into your Unit. Internet Links: 
Utilizing Den Chiefs & Denner Assistants  See "Den Chiefs and Denners"

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