Taughannock District
Baden-Powell Council, BSA
District Activities

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Cross-Program Activities | Cub Activities | Scouts BSA Activities | Venturing Activities | National and International Opportunties

For contact information see the Contact page

All publicity for Taughannock District activities should include a “rating label” indicating for which program(s) the activity is age-appropriate. For more information, and downloadable graphics for use in publicity, see our Scout Activity Ratings page.

We have a Taughannock District / B-P Council Google Map with all of the traditional locations, in case you need to know where something is. 

Cross-Program Activities

Baden-Powell Council will be holding a
Grand Scout Panjandrum in February 2026!

Watch this space for details!

Cub Scout Activities

See the Camping Page for Cub Day Camp, Cub Resident Camp and Cub Adventure Weekends (including "Boo at Barton")

Cub Weekends, Day Camps and Resident Camp

For more information on Cub Day Camps, Cub Resident Camp and Cub Adventure Weekends - see the Camping page and Council Cub Camping Page for information

Taughannock District Pinewood Derby
Friday, May 2nd
Camp Barton, Frontenac Rd, Trumansburg

Watch this space for details!

Pinewood Derby Rules

The Taughannock District has established the following rules for District-level Pinewood Derbies. Packs should consider adopting the same rules, so that Cubs can be confident that their cars will be able to compete equally at the Pack and District levels.

Scouts BSA Activities 

Taughannock District 2025 Winter Camporee
Back to the 80's
February 1, 2025
Camp Barton, Frontenac Rd., Trumansburg 

Download a teaser flyer for the event here - final details to be available at the December Roundtable. 

Save the date, and watch this space for information as it becomes available. 

Baden-Powell Council 2025 Camporee
The Hungry Games
April 25-27, 2025
Greenwood Park, 153 Greenwood Rd, Lisle, NY 13797

What subject is always closest to a Scout’s Heart? Food, of course. 

At the 2025 Baden-Powell Council Cook-o-Ree in April 2025, Scouts can try new things and learn how to make their camp food more interesting and tasty. They’ll learn about handy camp gadgets, building the perfect cook fire, spices and cooking techniques, camp menu planning - all sorts of useful skills to add flavor to your troop’s meals.

We’ll start with a breakfast competition – start with the secret ingredient, and we’ll see whose cuisine will reign supreme! 

Each patrol will get a cookbook to take home for use at future campouts. You can download a draft of the cookbook now to get them started... 

Then there will be “The Roping” – the Patrols will gather ingredients from our Cornucopia to cook for lunch.

There will be competitive stations on a food theme in the morning, and instruction stations in the afternoon.

Saturday night, we’ll end up with the biggest, best Scout Feast in Council History! Every Patrol will contribute a dish, and we’ll sam-ple (and vote on) everybody’s favorite – so start practicing recipes on the next campout! The day will end with a food-themed campfire.

The cost will be $10 per Scout. 
There will be more information coming out as the time approaches - mark your calendars now so you’ll be ready, and... 

May the Food be always in Your Flavor!

Reserve your spot today: https://scoutingevent.com/368-BPCamporee 

Download a Flyer here (PDF) (updated Nov. 11, 2024 with QR Code)

Virtual Merit Badge Sessions

Venturing / Exploring Activities

There are no planned District Venturing / Exploring Activities at this time.

National and International Opportunities

International Events Coming up


  • AUSTRALIA - 26th Australian Scout Jamboree - January 6-15, 2025 - Maryborough Showgrounds and Equestrian Park Maryborough, West Queensland - https://aj2025.com.au/ - It’s Happening, registrations for AJ2025 are OFFICIALLY OPEN! If you’ve expressed your interest, it’s time to take the next step in your quest and complete your registration. Haven’t started yet? No worries! The journey of a thousand memories starts right NOW! Don’t let another minute pass you by – register now and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
  • CALIFORNIA - International Rendezvous - June 29-July 5, 2025 - Camp Hi-Sierra, Long Barn CA 95335 - Ages 13+ - Registration ends April 1, 2025 - https://ir2025.us 
  • ENGLAND - Kent International Jamboree - August 2-9, 2025 – Detling Showground, Kent County - ages 10-17 - https://www.kij.org.uk/
  • ENGLAND - Kernow Jamboree - July 27 to August 2, 2025 - Stithians Showground, Cornwall - ages 10-17 - https://kernowjamboree.org.uk/ 
  • ENGLAND - Norjam International Jamboree - August 2 to 9, 2025 at the Norfolk Showgrounds - ages 10-17 - https://www.norjam.org.uk/  
  • NORWAY - National Jamboree - July 5 to 12, 2025 - 1st combined jamboree of the two WOSM-affiliated Norwegian Scout Associations in Gjøvik, Norway.- https://www.landsleir.no/international and scroll down
  • PORTUGAL - 2025 World Scout Moot - July 25 - August 3, 2025 - (ages 18 to 26 while at the moot) - https://worldscoutmoot.pt/ 
  • SCOTLAND - Auchengillan Jamboree - August 2 to 9, 2025 - near Glasgow. Fly to London and take the train to Scotland. The program is aimed at Venturers and older Scouts - Go to https://www.aj25.co.uk/  and scroll down to “About the Camp” for details. Some activities the jamboree offers might be prohibited by the BSA. Check the list of prohibited activities at https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/gss/gss07/ 


  • ENGLAND - WINGS 2026 - July 25 to August 1, 2025 - in Windsor Great Park, 26 miles west of London near Windsor Castle - https://wingsjamboree.org.uk/ and click on the links along the top. 

  • ENGLAND - Poacher 2026 - August 1 to 8, 2026 - Lincolnshire Showground, 160 miles north of London - https://www.poacher.org.uk/  has 2022 information. 

  • SCOTLAND - Blair Atholl Scottish International Patrol Jamborette - July 21-31, 2026 - ages 14-17 - The Blair Atholl Jamborette has been held on the grounds of Blair Castle in Blair Atholl, Perthshire, every even numbered year since 1946 (except 2020). The Jamborette offers all sorts of activities in and around the castle in Blair Atholl in Perthshire. Patrols are composed of up to 6 Scottish Scouts paired with up to 6 Scouts from another country. When international patrols arrive at the Jamborette they are joined up with their Scottish counterparts to camp for ten days as a combined Scottish International patrol. The official website at https://www.jamborette.org.uk/ has information on the Jamborette. Expect booking for 2026 to open up in late Fall 2024 or possibly in the winter of 2024-25. 
    Here in the Baden-Powell Council, we've been taking contingents to Blair Atholl since 1996 - for information on our past trips, and an idea of what we'll be doing in 2026, see our website at https://www.BPBlairAtholl.org/ 


Questions on International Scouting? Contact B-P Council International Representative at international@TCScouts.org


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