Taughannock District
Baden-Powell Council, BSA
District Contacts


Taughannock District e-Mail Addresses - Taughannock District Organization Chart 
Unit Commissioners - Baden-Powell Council e-Mail Addresses

TCScouts.org e-Mail Addresses

District e-Mail Announcements list

All District units should have at least one adult (if not all) subscribed to the Taughannock Announce Google Group
The list is used for announcements of District meetings and activities, as well as special time-sensitive announcements. If a meeting has to be canceled or moved, the change will be sent out through Taughannock Announce. 

Taughannock District Facebook Group

We've got a "B.S.A. Taughannock District - Baden-Powell Council " Facebook Group.  All District adults who are active on Facebook should join this group to get the latest Scouting news from around the District, Council, nation and world, as well as to share information about Council, District and Unit activities and other information which will help our units deliver a quality Scouting program to our youth members. Let us know what your Scouting unit has been doing with stories and pictures, too!

The link is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TaughannockBSA/ 

District Organization Chart

District "Key Three"

District Program Committees

Advancement Committee

Web page - Advancement 
Generic e-mail address (forwards to entire committee):


Chair: Mark Wimer 607-227-6762 mwimer@twcny.rr.com 
Tom Szebenyi t.szebenyi@computer.org
Ben Brown 607-347-4922 blb3@cornell.edu 

Nominating Committee
Also liaison to NESA (National Eagle Scout Assn) and SANF (Scout Alumni and Friends)

Generic e-mail address: alumni@TCScouts.org


Chair: (vacant)
Jim Graney 607-327-1226 jgraney@twcny.rr.com 
Mike Homrighaus mhomrigh@twcny.rr.com 
Mac Green mac_green@msn.com 
Jay True jay@trueinsurance.com 

CAPS - Camping, Activities, Program and Service

Generic e-mail address: CAPS@TCScouts.org or Activity@TCScouts.org 

Web pages: Camping - Activities 


Chair:  Kathlene Gross 607-844-4237 kegross@frontiernet.net 
Cub Scout/Scouts BSA: Lynn Green 607 -257-4191 mac_green@msn.com 
OA Chapter Advisor (District Level): Ruth Keagle
OA Lodge Advisor (Council Level): Rick Burt rickyb24@yahoo.com  607-591-5650
Cub Camping: Mike Homrighaus 607-756-2650 mhomrigh@twcny.rr.com 


Generic e-mail address: FoS@TCScouts.org 

Web Page: Finance


Co-Chair for Family Friends of Scouting: Mike Homrighaus mhomrigh@twcny.rr.com 
Co-Chair for Popcorn: Jenn Pluta

Membership and Publicity

Publicity Sub-group - generic e-mail address: news@TCScouts.org

Chair: (vacant)

Membership sub-group - generic e-mail address: membership@TCScouts.org 

Liam Murphy LiamGBMurphy@twcny.rr.com 
Clay Converse - converseclay@gmail.com 
Kathleen MacKenzie 607-539-7514 kelleymackenzie@mac.com

Website, Google Group (Taughannock Announce) and Facebook Group: Mike Brown 607-844-8584 webmaster@TCScouts.org 

Religious Life

Michael Stoll 607 -753-9277 mikefstoll@gmail.com 


Training Sub-Group

Web page: Training

Generic e-mail address: training@TCScouts.org

Chair: John Udall - jsu1@cornell.edu

Clay Converse 607-844-3550 converseclay@gmail.com   
Mike Homrighaus 607-756-2650 mhomrigh@twcny.rr.com 

Recognition Sub-Group

Web page: Unit Recognition - Adult Recognition

Generic e-mail address: recognition@TCScouts.org

Chair: Kathlene Gross 607-844-4237 kegross@frontiernet.net 

General / Emeritus / Members-at-Large

Thomas Ruane 607 -257-1632 truane1148@aol.com 
Brian Wilbur 607-277-2404 bwilbur1@twcny.rr.com 

Baden-Powell Council e-Mail Addresses

For contact information for Baden-Powell Council see these pages: 

© Copyright 2010-2025 Taughannock District BSA