Forms | Useful Links | Boys
Life issues
Related Pages: Roundtable
Handouts and other Resources | University of Scouting Resources
Are you getting The Link?
The Baden-Powell Council has begun sending out a
bi-weekly e-newsletter called The Link.
If you did not receive a copy recently, then you should sign
up through the Council to get on the mailing list!
Materials to help your unit's
Try National's
Branding Center for flyers, posters, cards, yard signs - you name it!
There's also a Membership
and Marketing Hub on the Scoutingwire.org
resources site.
Peer-to-Peer Business Cards
The best recruiters for your unit are your present
members! Prospective Cubs or Scouts will be much more likely to take a
look at your unit if they're asked by someone their own age. National
has provided forms for Peer-to-Peer Business Cards you can
use for your unit. Print these cards on pre-perforated Avery 8371 or
Staples 12522 Business Cards or the equivalent, or print on plain
8½x11" card stock and cut them to size on a paper cutter. Hand
them out to your youth members and let them give the cards to
prospective recruits!
Cub Scout Peer-to-Peer Cards - two sided, the
back side of these cards can be filled in with an invitation to a
specific event PDF
Scout Peer-to-Peer Cards - two sided, the
back side of these cards can be filled in with an invitation to a
specific event PDF
Happy Halloween Cub Scout Peer-to-Peer Cards -
with Taughannock District website and e-mail - PDF
Downloadable Forms
Most BSA National forms can be found on the BSA website at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Media/forms.aspx
Note: Some forms have local B-P Council equivalents, like the Merit
Badge Counselor registration form. Check the lists below to see if
there's a local form before you download the generic National form!
This page lists the most commonly needed forms, both National and
locally generated. These forms are provided in a variety of formats, denoted by the
following codes:
- No format indicated (hyperlink) = you may view and print this form
from your web browser.
- PDF = Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You need a
copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can obtain free on the Adobe
- RTF - Rich Text Format - used by Microsoft Word and some other
- DOC = Microsoft Word for Windows 2003 or earlier (DOC) format.
- DOCX = Microsoft Word for Windows 2007 or later (DOCX) format.
- XLS = Microsoft Excel 2003 or earlier (XLS) format
- XLSX = Microsoft Excel 2007 or later (XLSX) format
Note: Wherever possible, these forms are links to BSA National's own forms
site or to the Baden-Powell
Council Forms Site, so as to always have
the most up to date forms. Forms from those sites are flagged as
"link to BSA site" or "link to BP site"
- Scouting
forms from the National Council web page.
- Advancement Form - These forms should be submitted in
triplicate - Council, District and Troop copies: link to BSA site PDF
- Application Forms:
- Youth Member: link to BSA site - PDF
- Adult Volunteer: link to BSA site - PDF
- Attendance Card for School Night - PDF
- prints four to a page on letter size card stock
- Background Check Authorization
Form and Disclosure
Document - PDF - Note: every volunteer needs to submit a
signed Authorization
Form with their unit recharter package or annual registration
(for council/district Scouters) each year. Make sure you've read the
Document first.
- "Blue Cards" - Merit Badge Application form: PDF
(link to US Scouts Service Project
- BSA Lifeguard Application link to BSA site PDF
- Campership Application - See the Baden-Powell Council website
- Cub Scout Parent's Information Card - to hand out to
parents at recruiting functions - prints four to a page on letter
size card stock
- Blank
form in PDF format - print, then fill out by hand
- Customizable
form in MS Word format - fill this out with your pack's
information before printing
- Distinguished Unit Criteria - See the Baden-Powell Council website
- District Award of Merit Nomination - see Advancement
- Duty Roster - DOC
- Eagle Project Workbook: Download
from National Site (fillable PDF)- for use by Eagle Candidates
- Eagle Scout Biography and Project Summary Report - Download
a locally modified copy PDF. Submit
this form with the Eagle Scout Rank Application form.
- Eagle Scout Rank ApplicationDownload
from National Site (fillable PDF) - NOTE: be sure you use the most current form! The older forms will
not be accepted see the District Advancement Page for more
information. Make sure that you submit the Eagle Scout Biography and
Project Summary Report with the application.
- Family Talent Survey - PDF
- Fifty Miler Afoot/Afloat Application PDF
- Financial Aid Form - Baden-Powell Council -
request for help with registration fees - PDF
(link to B-P Council website)
- Guide to Safe Scouting - link to BSA site Web
page or PDF
- Historic Trails Award Application: link to BSA site
- Hornaday Awards Nationally awarded conservation awards. Application
- Insignia Placement Guide (Boy Scout) link to BSA site - PDF
- International Opportunities for Scouts: See the Activities
- International Camp Staff Program - this program has been
reinstated for 2023.
Journey to Excellence requirements forms: See the
district advancement and recognition
page - also Link to National
JTE page
Medical Form - BSA has revised the medical form system
again. Go to
this page on the National Website to get the specific form(s)
you need - in addition to the two common ones below, there are also
specific forms and information for the various high adventure bases.
For direct links to the most commonly needed medical forms:
- Meeting Plan Form
- Merit Badge Counselor Application - form
fillable PDF - 2019 version
Note: new MB counselors must also submit an Adult
registration form, even if they are already registered in some other
- Merit Badge Counselor list (for entire B-P Council) -
see Advancement Page
- Money Earning Permit Application Required before running
a unit fundraiser - link to BSA site PDF
- National Eagle Scout Association (NESA): link to general
NESA website
- National Summertime Pack Award Application link to BSA site PDF
- National Unit Leader Award of Merit Nomination -(Replaced the former NESA Scoutmaster Award of Merit) -
see Advancement Page
Peer-to-Peer Business Cards - print these
cards and have your youth members give them to prospective
Cub Scout Peer-to-Peer Cards - two sided,
the back side of these cards can be filled in with an invitation
to a specific event PDF
Scout Peer-to-Peer Cards - two sided,
the back side of these cards can be filled in with an invitation
to a specific event PDF
Happy Halloween Cub Scout Peer-to-Peer Cards -
with Taughannock District website and e-mail PDF
- Rating Labels - "this event is rated 'S' for Scouts
BSA" - if you're setting up a District-level or
Council-level event, you should put a rating label on it to indicate
which program(s) the event is intended for. Download the graphics
from this web page.
Recharter Forms:
2023 Camp Promotion Signup PDF
2021 Annual Unit Charter Agreement PDF
(unchanged for 2022)
2022 Friends of Scouting (FOS) Presentation
Sign-up PDF
2022 Unit Account User Designation PDF
Financial Assistance Request Form PDF
Recharter Informational Handouts:
Registration Fees - Traditional BSA Youth PDF
(updated 8/1/22)
- Registration Fees - Adults and Exploring PDF
(updated 8/1/22)
BSA Liability Insurance Information PDF
Fiscal Policies and Procedures for BSA Units PDF
Internet Recharter 2.0 System:
- Safety and Risk Assessment Checklist from the UK Scout
Association website - PDF
- ScoutBook Instructions:
- ScoutBook for Parents - PDF
- ScoutBook for Leaders - PDF
- Spark Plug Award Nomination - see District Awards on Advancement
- Tour Plan: The Tour Plan (formerly Tour Permit) was
eliminated, effective April 1, 2017. There is no longer any need to submit a
form before taking your unit somewhere. Just make sure that your actions
conform with the Guide to Safe Scouting, as you would anyway, right?
- Training Knots - see Advancement
- Transfer Form Link to National BSA PDF
- Troop Campout Plan in XLS format, courtesy of Troop 4 Ithaca
- Uniforming -links to BSA site
- Veteran Scouter Award Application - for applying for
Veteran year pins (every 5 years). Note that pins up to 20 years are
awarded by Council, 25 years and up are from National. Submit the
application to the Council office in any case. National BSA link
- World Conservation Award (the panda patch) - link
to National BSA PDF
Camp Barton Forms
See the Baden-Powell Council website
All forms links checked OK as of January 13,
2021 - if you find a broken link, please e-mail
District Coat of Arms...
Our then-District Chair, Liam Murphy, created a Coat
of Arms for the Taughannock District. In keeping with his expertise in
Celtic Heraldry, the new arms have a shield quartered in red and white.
Clockwise from the upper left, the symbols are the Scout fleur-de-lis, a
dragon for Cortland County (SUNY's mascot), a Mallard Duck (of course),
and a bear for Tompkins County (Cornell's mascot). The shield is
supported by a Thumb Stick (traditional Scout walking stick), which also
hangs a Scout campaign hat. Under the shield, there's a scroll bearing
the Taughannock District Latin Motto - "Quantem autem quisque
non lactaverunt", a sentiment we can all support...
Well Done Liam!
You can download the Coat of Arms here: Large
or Medium Size
Masonic Scouting Awards
The Masons have two awards available for Scouts and Scouters.
The General Douglas MacArthur Youth Award recognizes
distinguished or outstanding voluntary community service by non-Masonic
orgaiznations or individuals. It is given to "those who have given of
themselves, that ultimate goal in life, serving our youth."
Download a nomination form here (PDF).
The Eagle Scout Award "recognizes the dedication
of a Scout to the pursuits of Scouting and of his achievement leading to Eagle
Scout. The recipient will get a special personalized commendation certificate
and letter from the Grand Master, along with a medallion. Download a nomination
form here (PDF).
Roundtable Notes and Handouts
and other District Resources
See the Roundtable and
Program Resources page
Useful Scouting Links
Links to Scouting Websites
- US Scouting Service Project
- a wealth of information for all programs -
Cub/Scout/Venturing. The following pages are particularly useful:
A collection of Scouting myths and things "everyone knows" which may
or may not be true.
Leader Resources index page
MacScouter.com - many resources for all
programs (now part of US Scouting Service Project)
Monthly or weekly features for leaders: Baloo's
Bugle for Cub Leaders and Ask
Andy for Scout Leaders and Commissioners
Venturing resources page
WorldScouting.org - information on
Scouting activities around the world (now part of US Scouting Service Project)
Boy Scout Trail - a resources
website for Scout Leaders, including a page on Adult
Leader Recognition Knots
and Real
Eagle Projects
Scouts Scotland web page
and Facebook Page
UK Scout Organization Web Page and Facebook
World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) Web
Page and Facebook
Program Resource Links
Boy Scout Handbooks
and other Scouting publications (from Google Books)
- the magazine was not yet owned by the BSA, which was just
getting organized.
1912 - The BSA bought Boys Life for $6,000
($1 per subscriber) on June 10, 1912, and July was the first
issue which had "Official Publication of the Boy Scouts
of America" on the masthead. The content of the
magazine became much more Scout-oriented than the earlier
issues, with many articles written by BSA Founders Ernest
Thompson Seton and Daniel Carter Beard.
1912 - Page 34 has a proposal for how to organize a
Scout Council, written by W.R. George, Director of George
Junior Republic in Freeville. This issue announced the first
two Scouts in the USA to earn the Eagle Award, which then
had the sole requirement of earning 21 merit badges. Having
two Eagles this early is notable - so few merit badges had
been earned since the founding of the BSA that every Scout
who had earned even one merit badge was listed by name in
this issue of Boys Life, with his list of badges.
1914 - "The members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Dryden, NY, have taken a great interest in the
Troop of which the pastor, Dr. W. Herbert Moore, is Scout
Master. Dr. Moore recently preached a special sermon to the
Scouts, and at the close of the service the large
congregation showed by their welcome of the boys that they
were enthusiastic over their work..."
1915 - A big month for Cortland Scouts - "With the
Boy Scouts Afield" reports that Avie Houser received an
Honor Medal, Jackson Lyman got a Letter of Commendation, and
Earl Wright was one of three Scouts in the country to earn
Life Scout that month.
1915 - Earle W. Wright went on to earn his Eagle Scout
award, with the BSA only four years old, he was probably the
first in Cortland County to earn his Eagle.
1916 - the National Court of Honor lists Ithaca's first
Eagle Scout - LeRoy Pritchard - who had just earned his Life
Scout award.
1917 - LeRoy Pritchard is listed again, as he earns his
Eagle Scout award.
1918 - Scout G. Schuyler Tarbell from Troop 4 in Ithaca
had sold more War Savings Stamps than any other Scout in the
USA - $10,749 in 1918 dollars! As reported in the May
1921 issue, by the end of the war he held the national
1925 - Charles Newman, Scoutmaster of Troop 4, Ithaca,
contributes the winning design for the Fifteen Year Veteran
award. There wasn't any need for a twenty-year award in
1925, as the BSA was only fifteen years old. When there was,
Newman's design was used, and continued to be used as
thirty-year, forty-year and higher veteran awards were issued.
The "Type I Veteran Pin" design continued to be
used until 1964.
1927 - The Scout World column by James E West publishes
a picture of the Stone Council Ring made at Camp Barton by
Ithaca Scouts. Does anyone know where this was?
1927 - Obituary for Louis A. Fuertes, Honorary Scout.
Shortly after this, the Scouts of the Ithaca Council
petitioned the council to change the name to "Louis
Agassiz Fuertes Council" (which it did).
1928 - A contribution to the World Brotherhood of Boys
(with a picture) by Harold E. Jansen of Ithaca, an "old
1928 - the Fifth National Scout Executive Training
Conference was held at Cornell in September 1928, and
there's a picture of Ithaca Scouts and Council Executive Sam
Bogan in the report by James E. West. "No
account of the Fifth National Training Conference would be
complete without mention of the Service Troop of Ithaca
Scouts. They were such real fellows that several times the
Conference spontaneously expressed their admiration of their
service, of their bearing and of their unfailing
courtesy." There's an advance notice about the
conference in the September
1928 issue.
1929 - with picture of Ithaca Scout who won scholarship.
1929 - Ithaca Scout G. Malcolm Judson (age 16) wins the
"Why I Subscribed to Boys Life" Contest. His
winning entry is printed in this issue.
1931 - A photograph on page 23 of Chief Scout Executive
James E. West presenting Achievement Badges to Scouts at the
Reconstruction Home in Ithaca, with a brief description of
his visit on page 61. Troop 20 at the Reconstruction Home
was one of the earliest troops founded for what were then
known as "crippled children" - in this case, those
recovering from "infantile paralysis" (polio) in
the Reconstruction Home. The article reports that the boys
had to substitute basketry for the requirement to
demonstrate the Scout Pace (fifty steps walking, fifty
running). "The fine spirit of the crippled boys is
something to be appreciated by all."
1932 - Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt presents the Farm
Scout Award to two Ithaca Scouts
1933 - According to The Scout World, Scouts from
Cortland and Binghamton were among more than five thousand
Scouts attending the annual Pilgrimage to Theodore
Roosevelt's grave in Oyster Bay, Long Island. The Pilgrimage
was led by National Commissioner Dan Beard. The same issue
has a note about a visit by Harold E. Jansen of Ithaca,
long-time contributor to Boys Life
(see the February 1928 issue, above).
1935 - The Scout World reports that Ithaca Scouts
performed "many fine acts of service" in the
flooding which hit the Southern Tier.
1940 - with picture of Pack and Troop 20 for
"handicapped boys" (with polio) sponsored by the
Reconstruction Home in Ithaca.
1940 - Scout World column has several pictures of Sea
Scout Ship 25 - SSS Spear
from Ithaca - enroute to the New York World's Fair.
1942 - with picture of two Ithaca Scouts who won 4H awards
1953 - Cortland Scout David LeRoy asks for photographic
advice in Hobby Hows.
1954 - Cortland Scout Bob Thurber had a long joke printed
in the Think'n'Grin column.
1957 - Newfield Scout Arthur Johnson got a joke into
1958 - with article about Air Explorers in Ithaca
1960 - Ithaca Scout Dan Seeley contribues a joke to
1967 - Ithaca Scout Geoff Gyrisco writes to Pedro to let
him know how shocked he was that Boys Life
said that wasps and bees "bite", instead of
"sting". As the son of a world-famous entomologist, he
demanded a retraction.
1971 - Ithaca Scout Mark Wimer writes a letter to Pedro...
he must have liked the burro's answer, because he's now the
Unit Commissioner for Pack 10 and Troop 77!
1972 - with note on Louis Aggasiz Fuertes, former Troop 4
Scoutmaster and namesake of the LAF (Ithaca) Council
1973 - Dryden Scout Martin Carpenter had a joke in
1974 - Worth Retelling
letter from Ithaca Scoutmaster Frank Mazurek, who also
contributed a letter to Front Line Stuff in December
1978 as a Unit Commissioner.
1974 - Cortland Scout Steve Weiss contributes a joke to
1978 - "The Way It Was" - Scouting
article by Sam Bogan about his life as the first Scout
Executive of the new Ithaca Council.
1980 - Ithaca Scout Robert Campbell sent in a joke for
1981 - Cortland Scout Chris Homer contributes a hint to
Hobby Hows
1982 - with article on computers, noting Ithaca Scout who
made $500 selling computer games
1985 - "Pioneer Scouters" - Scouting
Article discussing early Scouting in Ithaca, among other
1987 - Pee Wee Harris offers congratulations to Jason
Homrighaus of Troop 197 and Zachary Homrighaus of Pack 86,
Cortland, NY, for winning a Nintendo by giving the correct
answer to the question "What is Pee Wee's given
name?" Speaking of names... Homrighaus? Where have we
heard that name before?
1989 - Worth Retelling letter from
Trumansburg Troop 13 Commitee Member Ellen Haith.
1991 - Dryden Scout Matthew Randall had a joke printed in
1998 - Scouts Brendon West and Bobby West from Lansing
contributed jokes to Think'n'Grin.
2000 - Scouting's 90th birthday article, with notes on
early Ithaca Scouts from LeRoy Pritchard
2000 - Ithaca Scout David Henion sent in a joke for
2000 - Scouting
announcement of twelve winners of the Elks' Marvin M. Lewis
Scouter Award, including Don Hay of Homer, NY, then District
Chair of Tioughnioga District.
2000 - with article about mammoth found by PRI in Ithaca
2001 - an article about Epic Encounters with ancient
castles, which quotes Cortland Scout Joe McDermott on his trip
to the Scottish
International Jamborette at Blair Castle in Scotland. (Joe
is now a sergeant in the 2nd Cavalry stationed at Rose
Barracks in Germany. An Assistant Scoutmaster in a troop at
Fort Bragg while in the 82nd Airborne, he plans to get
involved in Scouting in his new Army assignment. I provided
the information on Blair Castle which was used in the article,
but didn't get any credit - Mike Brown)
New York Times Book Review of
the Boy Scout Handbook: "A
Manual for Life"
School Districts in the Taughannock District