Taughannock District
Baden-Powell Council, BSA
"Help Wanted"

Your district needs your help!

Are you looking to do something for Scouting in Tompkins and Cortland County? Have you retired from a Pack, Troop, Ship or Crew, and you'd like a new challenge? 

Taughannock District is open to volunteers from anywhere in the Tompkins and Cortland County area. We believe Scouting is an important community activity and we welcome anyone who is willing to help our youth members live up to Scouting's ideals by registering as a volunteer. 

Here are some of the opportunities at the Taughannock District:

Advancement Committee Member

  • Adults who look forward to having meaningful conversations with teenagers
  • Position involves both helping scouts by reviewing and approving major service projects (generally projects are connected with senior scouting ranks) 
  • Talking with scouts about their scouting experiences in a "board of review"
  • Previous scouting experience is beneficial, but not required
  • Ability to deliver constructive criticism to young people without being negative is a "must"
  • Willingness to learn more about the ever-improving scouting advancement program and to teach others about it

Download a job description in PDF format.

To volunteer for this position, contact the District Chair at chair@tcscouts.org or the District Advancement Chair, Mark Wimer, at advancement@tcscouts.org 

CAPS (Camping, Activities, Program and Service)
Committee Members

  • Open to members from every unit (pack/troop/crew/post/ship), including youth members. Each unit is strongly encouraged to designate a member
  • Open also to interested community members
  • Help promote longer term camping experiences by all units (including summer camps)
  • Help germinate ideas for and plan district-wide activities - Camporees, Cub Scout events, etc.
  • Discuss and bring program ideas back to their "home" unit from other units in the District
  • Help plan and coordinate participation in district-wide service projects and/or Eagle Scout or Quartermaster projects
  • Be available to attend CAPS meetings in person (around 2-3 per year) or by telephone (around 4-5 per year)

Download a job description in PDF format.

To volunteer for this position, contact the District Chair, Liam Murphy, at chair@tcscouts.org or the District CAPS Committee Chair, Kathlene Gross, at kegross@frontiernet.net 

Community Friends of Scouting Coordinator

  • Position is good for a young, motivated banking, finance, public relations or fund-raising professional 

  • Works with the District Executive to identify and approach potential corporate donors to the Scouting program 

  • Ensures District meets its annual Community FOS goal by working with the District Finance Chair to make targeted donation requests

  • Attends meetings of the District Finance committee (either in person or by phone) 

  • May consist of two persons - one in Cortland County and one in Tompkins County 

  • Responds as needed to council-level Community FOS coordinators

Download a job description in PDF format.

To volunteer for this position, contact the District Finance Chair, Joe McDermott at jaguwar@gmail.com 

Family Friends of Scouting Coordinator

  • Position is good for a young, motivated banking, finance, public relations or fund-raising professional
  • Works with the District Executive to make sure presentations are done at all District Units soliciting families to give to Family FOS
  • Attends meetings of the District Finance committee (either in person or by phone)
  • Responds as needed to council-level Family FOS coordinators

Download a job description in PDF format.

T\To volunteer for this position, contact the District Finance Chair, Joe McDermott at jaguwar@gmail.com 

Finance Committee Member

  • Appropriate for anyone with experience in fund-raising efforts

  • Helps the Finance Chair prepare the simple District budget

  • Participates in providing appropriate guidance to the Family FOS, Community FOS and Popcorn sales coordinators

  • Identifies potential new donors to scouting

Download a job description in PDF format.

To volunteer for this position, contact the District Finance Chair, Joe McDermott at jaguwar@gmail.com 

Membership / Publicity Committee Member

  • Open to members from every unit, including older youth members. Each Unit is strongly encouraged to designate a member

  • Open to interested community members

  • Help promote recruiting activities by all units.

  • Share recruiting ideas that work across units to cross-pollinate

  • Help units concentrated in particular areas coordinate their recruiting efforts

  • Solicit information from units on their activities 

  • Publicize District activities

  • Maintain our social media presence

  • Help individual units get information on their work publicized

  • Be available to attend membership/publicity committee meetings in person (around 2-3 per year) or by telephone (around 4-5 per year)

Download a job description in PDF format.

To volunteer for this position, contact the District Chair at chair@tcscouts.org 

Popcorn Kernel

POSITION CONCEPT: Working closely with the council popcorn kernel, responsible to the district fund development chair for building an organization of district and unit kernels who can promote the annual Trail's End Popcorn sale at the unit level. The annual popcorn sale represents the single largest fundraising project for units and is a major funding stream for the council. Organization of a volunteer-driven sale is a critical element to the continued growth and success of the sale.


1. Accept the responsibility for achieving the district's popcorn sale goal.
2. Meet regularly with the popcorn committee during the year to plan the sale.
3. Serve as the "spark plug" for the entire sale, energizing everyone associated with the sale.
4. Work with the district committee, fund development chair, and district executive to develop a list of popcorn sale committee members and unit kernels.
5. Provide leadership for the district's corporate popcorn sale.
6. Promote popcorn at other district and council (non-popcorn) events.
7. Serve as a resource for unit kernels to help them become financially stable.
8. Assist in the training of units in the "Ideal Year of Scouting" budget-building process.
9. Keep the sale on schedule through open communications with each of the units.
10. With the help of the staff adviser, prepare a progress report for presentation at district committee.

To volunteer for this position, contact the District Finance Chair, Joe McDermott at jaguwar@gmail.com 

Training Committee Members

The training committee is responsible for providing in-person training courses as needed, as well as monitoring and encouraging unit leaders to take basic and advanced training for their positions. 

If you like to teach and have Scouting experience you'd like to share, contact the Training Committee at training@TCScouts.org 

Unit Commissioners

Commissioners are district and council leaders who help Scout units succeed. They coach and consult with adult leaders of Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Sea Scout Ships, Explorer Posts and Venturing crews. Commissioners help maintain the standards of the Boy Scouts of America. 

Unit commissioners will focus on the following four primary areas:

  • Supporting unit growth through the Journey to Excellence.
  • Contacting assigned units at least once a month, and logging the contacts on Commissioner Tools
  • Linking unit needs to district operating committee resources.
  • Supporting timely charter renewal.

For more information see the National Website Commissioner Page

If you'd like to be a Unit Commissioner, contact the District Commissioner at DC@TCScouts.org 

© Copyright 2017-2024 Taughannock District BSA