We’re all about flying - how about you?
Join Aviation Explorer Post 62!
East Hill Flying Club, Ithaca Airport

If you’re someone between 14 and 20 who loves flying or wants to learn more about the exciting world of aviation, then our post is for you!

Post 62 meets on second Sunday of each month at 3:00pm at the East Hill Flying Club
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, 62 Brown Rd. Ithaca NY. Unless, of course, we're off doing something...

We visit museums and airports, have guest speakers at our meetings to talk about what they’ve done in aviation - airline pilots or recreational flyers, instructors or students, controllers or drone pilots. We’ve visited local airports and air traffic control towers; gone to air shows; done ground school instruction… you’ll help plan what we do!

Here is our 2024 meeting and outing schedule

February 11 - Tour of a Maintenance Facility
March 10 - Flying UAV's - possible trip to Rome? 
April 14 - Rochester Tower Tour (and CFR facility?)*
May 11-12 - Overnight trip to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museums
on the Mall and Udvar-Hazy at Dulles Airport

May 18 (rain date 19) - Help EAA Chapter 811 at its Young Eagles Rally

June 8 (rain date 9) - Reading Mid-Atlantic Air Museum World War II Weekend
July 6 (rain date 7) - Binghamton Airshow - Blue Angels will be flying this year.

Oshkosh AirVenture is July 22-28th - possibility for Explorers to go to the show with EAA 811 or East Hill Flying Club members if there are open seats in their airplanes - to be coordinated. 

August 10  (rain date 11) - Niagara Aerospace Museum and Falls Overflight 
September 7 (rain date 8) - Fly-out to Dinner
October 13 - Doug Binder on building his Cozy homebuilt*
November 10 - Sun'n Fun and Oshkosh - the biggest airshows in America
December 8 - Say it right! How to talk on the radio… from both ends of the radio link. - Guest from ATC?* 

* = Outside speaker or facility. Subject to confirmation. 

Download a copy of our 2024 Schedule here (PDF)

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